Beginnings, middles and ends

Being Out of Work

Beginnings, middles and ends Cover Image

I spend a lot of time thinking about what makes the job search process so maddening and one of the many conclusions I have come to is its lack of structure. (Someone should really redesign it!)Unlike all of the other projects we may have in our career as financial folks, this one may have ...

May 13, 2024

By Matt Bud, The FENG

A short play


A short play Cover Image

I don't know how many of you participated in school plays during your early years, but there is a lot to be said about thinking about the interviewing process as a series of scenes in a play. Of course, the only problem with this visualization is the degree to which the audience is in char...

May 12, 2024

By Matt Bud, The FENG

All things to all people Cover Image

It sure is difficult to be focused. As each of us over the age of 40 looks at our career prospects for the rest of our working lives, it is all very easy to believe that we need to expand the market for our services to ensure that we can find another job. (After all, how many buggy whips a...

May 09, 2024

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Is anyone holding out?

Job Leads & Job Boards

Is anyone holding out? Cover Image

I hate to ask if anyone is holding out, but is anyone holding out?One of the core values of The FENG is that we try very hard to share our job leads. Trust me, individual job leads aren’t as valuable as you think they are. And, if you share them, not only will you be viewed as a Fanatic FE...

May 08, 2024

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Being nice to everyone

Human Interactions

Being nice to everyone Cover Image

Whether you are active in your job search or just trying to get your job done for “the great corporation,” it pays to be nice to everyone.One of my best friends is a real charmer and I always enjoy going out to dinner with him because we always get great service. He just has a way of engag...

May 07, 2024

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Making introductions Cover Image

Everyone knows a few important people who they believe will at some point be helpful to us in our search for that perfect job. The problem how to keep your name in front of them so when that perfect job comes to their attention you will be top of mind.You certainly don’t want to waste thei...

May 06, 2024

By Matt Bud, The FENG

The glass is at 50%

Being Out of Work

The glass is at 50% Cover Image

There is nothing more important to an effective job search than a positive attitude.Sure, building an effective resume, a pithy 90-second announcement and a library of cover letters is always a good idea, the fact remains that positively focused dogged determination tends to win the day mo...

May 05, 2024

By Matt Bud, The FENG

The elephant sitting in the room


The elephant sitting in the room Cover Image

If you went to an interview with a broken arm, I’m pretty sure you would feel the need to explain.Honestly, sitting there with your arm in a cast, it is hard to imagine a productive discussion taking place until you tell your interviewer how it happened. Was it a skiing accident? Did you t...

May 02, 2024

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Running around recruiters

Job Leads & Job Boards Recruiters

Running around recruiters Cover Image

Several years ago I received a phone call from a long standing Friend of The FENG.This particular search firm posted with us on a regular basis. In this case, the posting included the name of their client. You see, they felt that the relationship they had with The FENG was so strong and th...

May 01, 2024

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Your most recent 10 years

Resume Writing

Your most recent 10 years Cover Image

While from time to time I silently wish to myself that many of our members would take the time to read a good book about how to write a resume, I find that other members have read a book or an article, but they have either read the wrong book or have misunderstood what the author was tryin...

Apr 30, 2024

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Keeping hope alive Cover Image

Whether you are currently working and hate your job or are currently in active search mode, the most important job you have every day is maintaining an optimistic view of the future.The stresses and strains of a job that is winding down may at times seem beyond bearable. Back in 1991 durin...

Apr 29, 2024

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Fixing a bad attitude

Human Interactions

Fixing a bad attitude Cover Image

How often have you heard it said “He has a bad attitude?”We spend a lot of time addressing the bad attitudes of others. For example, discussions about age discrimination fall into this category. The world has a “bad attitude” toward those of us who are well experienced. (Over qualified.)Wh...

Apr 28, 2024

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Bashfulness is not my strong suit


Bashfulness is not my strong suit Cover Image

Hard to believe, but bashfulness is apparently a quite prevalent condition among our membership.Yes, these same individuals who in prior lives as bankers were cutting off lines of credit or foreclosing on hapless widows have a near terminal fear of picking up the phone and calling other me...

Apr 25, 2024

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Having the wind taken out of your sails

Being Out of Work

Having the wind taken out of your sails Cover Image

Conducting a job search, whether working or not currently employed, can be a difficult time. You tend to go through phases. (I don’t know if I like the phrase “in transition,” but it seems to continue to be well accepted.)At first it can be kind of exciting to be away from the daily grind ...

Apr 24, 2024

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Everyone wants to help


Everyone wants to help Cover Image

I know that some of you who have been at job search for a period of time may find this hard to believe, but everyone wants to help, it is just that they don’t always know how.I see it all the time at chapter meetings. Each person does their 90-second elevator speech, but rarely do they mak...

Apr 23, 2024

By Matt Bud, The FENG

When is enough, enough?

Evolving Job Market

When is enough, enough? Cover Image

The story goes that if a frog is thrown into a pot of boiling water, it will have the good sense to jump out. On the other hand, if you put a frog in cold water and slowly turn up the heat, he will boil to death. (Please don’t try this at home. I like frogs. I am sure you can verify the ve...

Apr 22, 2024

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Arrested but not convicted Cover Image

One subject that comes up all the time is the importance of having an explanation as to why you are looking for another job.I have always felt that it was a waste of your valuable time to provide an explanation in your 90 second announcement, and I still feel that way. Unless you were arre...

Apr 21, 2024

By Matt Bud, The FENG

You talkin to me? Cover Image

Yes, I am talking to you.The purpose of my evening editorial is to make all of you better at managing your careers, and in particular to educate you on what I believe are the key issues in appearing more professional and technology savvy in the digital world we all live in.Let me start as ...

Apr 18, 2024

By Matt Bud, The FENG

What are your sizzle points?

90-Second Announcements Interviewing

What are your sizzle points? Cover Image

Very few among us are professional sales folks. It is for this reason that some of the more subtle elements of interviewing can easily go by us. When you decide to make a purchase, you often have to justify it to others. When you do, you will find yourself repeating things the salesperson ...

Apr 17, 2024

By Matt Bud, The FENG

It is always better to be working

Being Out of Work

It is always better to be working Cover Image

Even though the job market seems to be holding its own, I thought I would repeat a thought I mention to those who ask. Plain and simple, it is always better to be working.The strategy you take early in your career has to be one of growth. Each job you take has to move you up the ladder of ...

Apr 16, 2024

By Matt Bud, The FENG

The problem with falling overboard

Being Out of Work Evolving Job Market

The problem with falling overboard Cover Image

As the sailing season begins here in Connecticut my thoughts more and more turn to sailing stories and how they might apply to job search and the management of your career. (Of course, I think about and read sailing stories all the time, but I digress.)One of the great perils of sailing is...

Apr 15, 2024

By Matt Bud, The FENG