Don't go it alone

Don't go it alone Cover Image

Job search is in many ways a unique experience.In contrast to the world of work where we have had folks reporting to us and have had folks that we reported to, the world of job search can tend to be a lonely place.Back in the day, outplacement facilities with their rabbit warren of cubicle...

Jul 25, 2021

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Fog sandwiches

Fog sandwiches Cover Image

Although by and large, the one thing we make more often than anything else for dinner on our boat is reservations, there are times when the fog giant descends upon us and if there is nothing else to eat, we make fog sandwiches.To make fog sandwiches, of course, you need fog. To this one sh...

Jul 18, 2024

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Hard on the wind

Hard on the wind Cover Image

Since not all of the members of The FENG are sailors, I really need to start this editorial with the idea that you can’t sail directly into the eye of the wind. In fact, you generally have to be about 45 degrees off the wind to make any headway. However, this is only a real nuisance at tho...

Jul 10, 2024

By Matt Bud, The FENG

If you met yourself

If you met yourself Cover Image

Have you ever wondered who is that guy/gal in the mirror? I’m sure we all stare at that familiar face from time to time, but the real question is who are you and what do you do best?You would think that if you just took a few minutes and read your own resume, you could solve this one, but ...

Jun 26, 2024

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Taking a step back

Taking a step back Cover Image

Let’s be honest, even though the unemployment figures suggest a strong job market, things are still challenging for members of our “well experienced” membership. This always being the case, many of our members consider opportunities that are well below their previous levels of responsibili...

Jun 27, 2024

By Matt Bud, The FENG

The luxury of discouragement

The luxury of discouragement Cover Image

I suppose that feeling sorry for yourself feels pretty good. The problem is that it doesn’t do you any good and doesn’t benefit you in any way, shape or form.In this era of long job searches, it is easy to fall into this pattern of self abuse. Frankly, I don’t encourage it.While the light ...

Jun 25, 2024

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Just showing up

Just showing up Cover Image

There are several folks who claim credit for it, but one of the things I have been heard to say from time to time that I didn’t make up is that “90% of life is just showing up.” (Okay, perhaps it is only 89%. Whatever!)As we begin the months of the so-called summer doldrums, I would ask al...

Jun 19, 2024

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Free advice

Free advice Cover Image

I guess the old saw is that free advice is worth what you pay for it. The other popular expression I use from time to time is “consider the source.”There is a whole “guy thing” about the giving of unsolicited advice. In much the same logic as the old saw about guys not asking for direction...

Jun 13, 2024

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Staying hidden from view

Staying hidden from view Cover Image

I often wonder if people really want to be found.It ranges from the lack of an outgoing signature with your FULL contact information on the emails I receive to voice mail that repeats your phone number when I call, but doesn’t indicate whose phone it is. The latest wrinkle in the past few ...

Jun 08, 2021

By Matt Bud, The FENG

The illusion of time

The illusion of time Cover Image

Although this problem was more common many years ago when there were more corporate layoffs, I still from time to time see members waste the first 6 months of their job search. It’s not that they “goof off,” it’s more that they feel they have the luxury of time.As a sailor, I can assure yo...

Jun 04, 2024

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Moving down market

Moving down market Cover Image

I have often been heard to say that it’s always better to be working.Being overqualified for most of the jobs published out in the world can be a little unsettling. But, I think you just have to accept it as a fact of life that once you have 20-30 years of work experience, you have probabl...

May 28, 2024

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Are we a support or resource group?

Are we a support or resource group? Cover Image

Like the classic fable of the 6 blind men standing around the elephant, The FENG means a lot of different things to individual members.In part it is dependent on where they are in their career, whether they are active in a search, or if they are currently employed. It can also vary on any ...

May 23, 2024

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Rain or shine – you can’t do much about it

Rain or shine – you can’t do much about it Cover Image

I don’t know what the weather has been by you lately, but here in Connecticut we have had a very cold and windy spring.One thing you learn if you are a sailor is that there really isn’t much you can do about the weather. The wind is from whatever direction it is coming from and at whatever...

May 19, 2024

By Matt Bud, The FENG

The glass is at 50%

The glass is at 50% Cover Image

There is nothing more important to an effective job search than a positive attitude.Sure, building an effective resume, a pithy 90-second announcement and a library of cover letters is always a good idea, the fact remains that positively focused dogged determination tends to win the day mo...

May 05, 2024

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Keeping hope alive

Keeping hope alive Cover Image

Whether you are currently working and hate your job or are currently in active search mode, the most important job you have every day is maintaining an optimistic view of the future.The stresses and strains of a job that is winding down may at times seem beyond bearable. Back in 1991 durin...

Apr 29, 2024

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Having the wind taken out of your sails

Having the wind taken out of your sails Cover Image

Conducting a job search, whether working or not currently employed, can be a difficult time. You tend to go through phases. (I don’t know if I like the phrase “in transition,” but it seems to continue to be well accepted.)At first it can be kind of exciting to be away from the daily grind ...

Apr 24, 2024

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Arrested but not convicted

Arrested but not convicted Cover Image

One subject that comes up all the time is the importance of having an explanation as to why you are looking for another job.I have always felt that it was a waste of your valuable time to provide an explanation in your 90 second announcement, and I still feel that way. Unless you were arre...

Apr 21, 2024

By Matt Bud, The FENG

It is always better to be working

It is always better to be working Cover Image

Even though the job market seems to be holding its own, I thought I would repeat a thought I mention to those who ask. Plain and simple, it is always better to be working.The strategy you take early in your career has to be one of growth. Each job you take has to move you up the ladder of ...

Apr 16, 2024

By Matt Bud, The FENG

The problem with falling overboard

The problem with falling overboard Cover Image

As the sailing season begins here in Connecticut my thoughts more and more turn to sailing stories and how they might apply to job search and the management of your career. (Of course, I think about and read sailing stories all the time, but I digress.)One of the great perils of sailing is...

Apr 15, 2024

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Are you ready to retire?

Are you ready to retire? Cover Image

I don’t know about you, but at the age of 77, I still have more than a few miles left on my odometer. The thought of retirement is still something far off into the future. I imagine I will get to that point in my thinking someday, but it isn’t now.When members call me for advice, I always ...

Apr 10, 2024

By Matt Bud, The FENG

The Energizer Bunny

The Energizer Bunny Cover Image

Probably one of the hardest things to do during a job search is keeping yourself energized. If you are conducting your job search from home, as most people are, it can be even more difficult.The thing to recognize is that conducting a job search is in some respects painful for us financial...

May 02, 2022

By Matt Bud, The FENG