Voluntary Contributions


Dear Members and Visitors,

The FENG is an all volunteer organization. With the exception of our 7 administrative staffers, ALL of our area chairs who work so hard on behalf of our members are volunteers. That includes yours truly, Marty Latman and Bruce Lynn, who act as Co-Chairs of our national organization.

But, it still requires cash to cover the out-of-pocket expenses of The FENG.

Since I became Chairman of The FENG in 1997, we have funded our operations through voluntary contributions. It is a tough way to exist, but we have been very successful with this approach and have always been able to raise money for our operations.

Please don’t assume you don’t have to contribute because everyone else will. As I have often said, every day and in every way, it all starts with you. Even if you are currently employed, I hope that you will provide the financial support that is vital to our organization’s survival. None of us can predict the future. (As you know, all jobs are temporary.) It is in your best interest to have The FENG active and strong the next time you are searching for a new job.

If you would be willing to “contribute to our cause,” please make your check payable to: The FENG or FENG and send it to:

Laurie Fan
Donations Coordinator
The Financial Executives Networking Group, Inc.
25 Old Kings Highway North, Suite 13 #163
Darien, CT 06820-4608

If you prefer to donate by credit card, please go to our donation page.

If you are currently unemployed and strapped for cash, I understand, but any contribution will help (even $50) and would be MOST appreciated. As with any gift, it is the thought that counts, but I hope you will give what you can.

If you choose to pay by credit card, you will get an immediate acknowledgement.

If you send in a contribution by check, we will send you an acknowledgement, but please give us two weeks to get this done. Also, if you pay online through your bank and have set us up as a “vendor,” please make sure your name appears somewhere on the payment stub. Every month we have “unidentified cash.”


The Financial Executives Networking Group is a not-for-profit operation and is classified as a public charity under section 501 (c) (3) of the tax code. Any contribution you make by credit card or check is deductible on your tax return if you are able to itemize. Our EIN Number is 06-1578042. We are also eligible for matching funds if your corporation does this.

We are now the largest national organization for senior financial executives in the United States, and indeed in the entire world. We should all be proud of this. However, there is always more we can do, and I would welcome your ideas at any time.

The FENG is a resource you want to know will be around if and when you need it. Your donations help ensure that it will be.

As always, I thank you for your support and I know you will do what you can do financially to keep our organization well funded.

Regards, Matt




Matthew R. Bud
The Financial Executives Networking Group, Inc.
32 Gray's Farm Road
Weston, CT 06883

[email protected]
(203) 227-8965 Office Phone
(203) 820-4667 Cell Phone
