We’re not a job listing service

Published on Jun 02, 2024 by Matt Bud, The FENG
New Friends Old Friends

I know this will come as a shock to those of you who skip ahead to the leads, but The FENG is a social networking group, NOT a job listing service.

Yes, I know this counter intuitive information is coming from someone sending you job leads 5 days a week, but please don’t be fooled. Only a small percentage of the senior level folks who find jobs, find them from published job leads. And, the truth is that if you examine in detail those lucky few who identify a job from a job posting and get interviewed, they actually GET the job from networking. (Here’s a test: Have you ever gotten a job without supplying references?)

What value is there then in publishing job leads you might ask? Good question. Without job leads, you would never have the opportunity to test your resume against what you think might be a job that fit your background. You would never be able to compare, “must have by must have,” your background as presented on your resume to a REAL job requirement. In short, you wouldn’t get any practice presenting your credentials in the real world. And, there is also the lottery aspect of a job lead. Someone does get the job and even if the percentage is only 10%-15% of the time, THAT’S A LOT.

But again, we aren’t a job listing service. We are a social networking group. What is a social networking group? Well, I have always referred to The FENG as a Circle of Friends. The circle begins with the fact that EVERY member of The FENG was sponsored by another member. We aren’t a “fee for service” in any sense of the word. You can’t buy your way in. There are no annual dues. (We’re set up like the Mafia. You can join, but you can’t quit.)

And, why would you want to quit? The whole value of our little society is that over time you not only become well educated on the entire job search process, but more importantly, you gather in more and more friends who understand your background and who are always looking out for you.

Passing along job leads to one another is all part and parcel of our “white elephant” gift program.

What is the value to you of a job lead that doesn’t fit your geographic or background profile? For you cost accounting experts, the answer is zero. (Or, $.00 in accounting terms. No entry on either side of the balance sheet and no straight shot to the bottom line either.) In the hands of a friend whose background is closer to being a fit, it could be a $200,000 annual present. (If this individual doesn’t now owe you big time, I must be off in my math somewhere.)

We are all connected in a variety of ways. Let’s see how many of these steps you have already completed and how many you still need to work on:

First, have YOU sponsored any new members? If you want someone to owe you big time, give them the gift of friendship. (This gift is good for birthdays, anniversaries and all religious holidays.)

Have you attended any of our warm and friendly chapter or special interest group meetings? If you ever want to meet some of the nicest people in the entire world, come to a meeting of your fellow members. To a person, they are individuals who care about other people and who, thankful for the gift of friendship that has been bestowed on them, they are delighted to share this gift with others. Don’t expect the shirt off their back (especially if it is a new one), but do expect a generous sharing of knowledge and experience, as well as access to all of the individuals in their Rolodex who make sense given your background. (Hey, we’re financial folks. We don’t give away money. If you were expecting $20 bills, you’re in the wrong social networking group. That said more friends can be turned into money, in a sense, by your finding a job.)

Our newsletter is an international vehicle for sharing knowledge and experience. If you are skipping ahead to the leads, you are missing out on the daily value that should be energizing your search and your career. I will modestly mention my editorial which everyone I meet claims they read every day. (I believe them, but then, I believe in the Tooth Fairy and Santa Claus, so I guess you can’t go by me.)

We have a Member in Need of Assistance section where you can help those requiring your areas of expertise and where YOU can go to find help when you need it. We also have The FENG Member Discussion board on our website where you can also go.

And finally from a knowledge standpoint we have our Op Ed section. I have been gathering in experts from all over the country to provide you with their knowledge and experience.

In short, The FENG is a lot to absorb. The more you drink from our well of friendship, the more you benefit. And to appeal to your accountant’s mind, it is all available to you for the same price.

Friendship is as they say “priceless.”

Regards, Matt