Meeting Information
Avoiding Underselling you in your job search
Wednesday May 4, 2022
6:00pm - 7:30pm US/Eastern GMT-4:00
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Topic: Avoiding Self-Sabotage and Underselling Yourself in Your Job Search

Speaker: Susan Tedesco, Principal, Thrive Advisory, LLC


If you’re in the middle of your job search or just getting started, and/or thinking about your next move up the career ladder, you’ll want to attendThe Philly FENG’s May 4th session! 


May 4th at 6 PM, we are so fortunate to have locally based Business and Career, Coach Susan Tedesco presenting to The Philly FENG. Susan has received rave reviews as she spoke at FENG Chapters throughout the nation.


Susan will be educating us on how Seniormost Finance and Accounting Executives can avoid common pitfalls and make sure that they are not sabotaging or under-selling themselves in their resumes, interviews, or any discussions about their next role. 


Susan will be sharing lots of tips and things to watch out for – including a“List of 10 Ways you Could be Sabotaging your Job Search. Susan will provide specific examples of ways to avoid underselling yourself in how you evaluate which roles to apply for and how your resume presents you as a candidate.  You’ll also receive examples of different tools to use like a 1-page career summary, content for cover letters and more.


Speaker's bio

Susan is a dynamic leader with over 30 years’ experience within Fortune 100 Financial Services firms. Susan’s executive level experience is across a broad array of functions from finance to operations, technology, distribution strategy, operational risk, data management, business development and partnerships.  Her roles have included COO, CFO for Latin America Subsidiary Banks, Head of Business Development, Head of Client Delivery and Head of Operational Risk and Controls, Data Management and Quality as well as Head of New Business and Innovation.  The key thread through Susan’s career has been delivering large scale solutions and change.  She has a reputation as an initiator of ideas and processes which effectively grow revenue, minimize risk, and reduce expenses. She is a relationship builder & “Connector”.    More recently, Susan has been focusing on expanding her mindfulness practices and finding ways to bring these tools into the corporate world to help reduce stress and enable others to achieve and be their best.


Susan Tedesco

Susan Tedesco, Principal, Thrive Advisory, LLC

For meeting information, please contact:

Ernie Russom

(610) 405-4818
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