Meeting Information
Fractional Services - Four Things you Should Know
Wednesday May 22, 2024
5:30pm - 6:45pm US/Eastern GMT-4:00
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Fractional Services - The Four Things You Should Know

Brad Martyn, FocusCFO and Mark Blackton, Fractional CFO

Many FENG members have thought about pivoting their career to Fractional Services. Some decide to try and others decide not to try this without an understanding of what it means to be a Fractional CFO. Brad and Mark can not answer all of the nuances of being a Fractional CFO, but they can get you on the right path.  Join this meeting for an insightful discussion from two fractional leaders that have succeeded in the Fractional industry. 

Brad Martyn is a highly respected entrepreneurial business leader who has figured out what small and medium size business owners really want (FREEDOM to do what they want) and how to help them (by putting them in CONTROL). Brad founded FocusCFO in 2001.


Mark Blackton has been a Fractional CFO for over 10 years, he has an emphasis on Business Transition. His prior experiences include work with startups to Fortune 100 companies in various Financial and Business Development roles. He is a Co-Author of Freeway to Fractional, a Certified Value Analyst (CVA) and a Certified Exit Planning Advisor (CEPA) Mark was also Co Chair of Kansas City Chapter of the Financial Executives Networking Group for over nine years. 



For meeting information, please contact:

Tariq Malik

(305) 898-3730
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