Meeting Information
"Is It the Right Time to Short the U.S.A. T-Note Market?"
Thursday June 16, 2022
6:30pm - 7:30pm Europe/Paris GMT+02:00
ZOOM MEETINGJoin Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 920 3566 4750
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Topic: "Is It the Right Time to Short the U.S.A. T-Note Market?"

Speaker: Vittorio Manente, Chief Executive Manager, MVM Alpha Capital MB

- The current monthly money supply and low bond yield environment could lead to a runaway effect in inflation and potentially negative consequences for the equity market.
- By carefully stabilizing the monthly money supply increase and properly setting the Treasury bond (T-bond) yield level, inflation could be kept within the 2-4% target range.
- The equities market may not be penalized in this situation. Setting the money supply and T-bond yields correctly could lead to the market fair value getting closer to its current level.
- In this situation, it is projected that shorting Treasury bond future exchange-traded funds (ETFs) might yield a profit of 23 to 38%.

Speaker's Bio: 
Not satisfied by the performances of financial products available for retail investors, Vittorio decided to create his own. In 2017 Vittorio launched NEXT-alpha, a quantitative macro strategy to deliver consistent returns independently on the market direction. In 2019 Vittorio started his own investment company, with the idea of providing small and larger investors access to this strategy and enabling them to generate additional sources of income while they deal with their daily duties. Vittorio has a background in Automotive Engineering and holds a PhD in Internal Combustion Engine from Lund University (SE).

Vittorio Manente
Vittorio Manente, Chief Executive Manager, MVM Alpha Capital MB
For meeting information, please contact:

Hubert Poinsignon

+33-(6) 03965180
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