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Topic: Planning using The PROtivitySM Growth System: Use the future to plan today
So many business owners and executives set their plan for the coming year simply by extrapolating from the past year. This talk will help you turn that on its head. Where do you want to be 3 years from now? Personally, and professionally? Once you know that, build your goals for the next 2 years and then for this year starting from that end goal. Next ask, “what do I need to start doing today to make that a reality?” This system can be used for both personal and professional goals for the busy executive and/or business owner. Where do you want to go?
Speaker: Dr. Steven Kirch, Professor of PROtivitySM
After retiring from a successful career as a manager and leader in high-tech, Dr. Steven Kirch brings his passion for life-changing results to his clients. He is the creator of the PROtivitySM Growth System – a unique blend of methods to increase PROfit, accelerate PROductivity, and create robust business PROcess for scale. He specializes in helping small business owners improve their top and bottom-line results using time-tested strategies. Then together, they develop methodologies for the actual implementation of these strategies in their business to put more money in his clients’ pockets and enable them to have the business they dreamed of when they started.
In addition, he serves on the board of The Gratitude Network – a leadership development organization that works with social entrepreneurs around the world to enable the growth of these innovative companies that are changing the lives of children and youth all over the world. Steve sings in the San Francisco-based a cappella chorus, The Fog City Singers, and enjoys running, biking, and golf. He and his wife, Donna, of more than 40 years share a passion for music and love to travel. They have two amazing daughters that are making their way in the world.