Meeting Information
Understanding Business Valuation Basics and Value Drivers
Tuesday February 11, 2025
3:30pm - 4:45pm US/Arizona GMT-7:00
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Topic: Understanding Business Valuation Basics and Value Drivers

Speaker:  John G. Mack, Founder and Owner, Mack Business Appraisals, LLC. 

What are the advantages to knowing the value of your business?

- Business Valuation Basics - An overview of the three primary approaches to valuing any business.

- The importance of using a business appraisal to develop a successful succession plan for an owner.

- Other uses and benefits of a business appraisal for your business.

Speaker's bio:   John G. Mack, ASA, MCBA, ABAR, is the managing member of Mack Business Appraisals, LLC.  He is a 1993 graduate of the University of Iowa with a Bachelor’s degree in Finance from the College of Business Administration.  Mr. Mack has over 30 years of full-time business valuation experience and is a specialist in business appraisals for gift tax, estate tax and income tax purposes.  He provides business valuation services to clients for many purposes including, but not limited to: gift tax and estate tax filings, ESOPs, Small Business Administration (SBA) funding, merger/acquisitions, buy/sell agreements, S-corporation election, stock option granting and management planning.  Mr. Mack’s valuation practice is a national practice as he regularly provides business valuation services to companies located all across the United States.

Mr. Mack has extensive experience in valuing family limited partnerships (FLP’s) and limited liability companies (LLC’s) for gift and estate tax purposes. He has also received specialized ESOP valuation training offered by both the American Society of Appraisers and the Institute of Business Appraisers and has significant experience in valuing companies for ESOP transactional and ESOP administration purposes.


For meeting information, please contact:

Mark Johnson

(602) 882-3086
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