The Mortgage SIG is comprised of Senior and Executive professionals involved with the Mortgage industry. All issues impacting the Mortgage industry are within scope. Our purpose is many fold:
• Build and enhance a personal network of professional references with residential Mortgage experience or interests
• Create a forum to educate and inform members on issues & trends that impact the Mortgage industry
• Integrate the many functional professional disciplines such as Risk Management, Banking and other FENG SIGs on issues focused on the mortgage product
• Primary scope will be on Financial topics such as FASB accounting standards but will also include non-Financial topics such as CFPB scope & activities
• Chapter meetings will Webinars with subject matter experts from various functional disciplines presenting information on mortgage issues & trends
We will endeavor to have networking meetings with guest speakers in the Northern Virginia area. On a periodic basis we will be scheduling business card/meet and greet events, conference calls and webinars so interested members can learn more about issues driving the mortgage industry. Separate invitations will be sent as events are scheduled
The meetings cover mortgage issues and trends of interest to the industries that traverse the mortgage continuum. The purpose is to inform, engage audience, and create a meaningful Q&A and good interaction between speakers and audience with a pre-post card exchange/greeting with speakers and members of audience thus increasing interaction and networking for all involved.
We encourage FENG members to get involved and contribute with ideas, speakers, venue selection or other suggestions as needed. The speakers are "experts" in their respective areas of interest and we try to attract an audience with knowledge, expertise and strong interest in theme discussed.
Issues and Trends can cover:
• Audit and risk management
• Financial Planning & Analysis, including ST and LT forecasting
• Federal & State Compliance
• Corporate governance
• Treasury / Capital Markets performance
• Credit risk exposure including counter-parties and investors
• Importance of lending and good underwriting standards
• Quantify/measure and properly assess trading risk
• New trends/issues impacting any institution with exposure to mortgages
Total Members | 1015 |
Alumni | (54%) 548 |
Active | (42%) 429 |
Associate | (1%) 3 |
Retired | (3%) 35 |