Effectively using the non-answer

Effectively using the non-answer Cover Image

As you mature and become over qualified for just about everything, it is inevitable that you will be interviewed for a job (of limited income or responsibility) that you would like to have, but fear that you will be deemed too old or having previously earned too much money to be “happy” in...

Mar 25, 2024

By Matt Bud, The FENG

I never met a job I didn't like

I never met a job I didn't like Cover Image

Will Rogers is remembered as saying: “I never met a man I didn’t like.” I only wish everyone reviewing job possibilities would keep in mind the job search equivalent as stated above. Most jobs, upon initial examination, are bound to have more than a few flaws. Let’s face it, if it was a...

Feb 11, 2024

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Interrogate or dummy up?

Interrogate or dummy up? Cover Image

Speaking with strangers is never fun. And, if these strangers are deciding whether or not to hire you, it can be a little stressful, especially if you want the job. There are so many ways to offend and so few ways to ingratiate yourself without appearing overly solicitous. In the cla...

Feb 07, 2024

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Selling from a full wagon

Selling from a full wagon Cover Image

Although it is certainly true that it isn’t possible to sell from an empty wagon, the difficulty of selling from one that is full is greatly under rated. As senior financial professionals, and as individuals not seriously trained in sales, we frequently find ourselves in the position of...

Jan 21, 2024

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Knowing what’s important

Knowing what’s important Cover Image

I always find it interesting during 90-second announcements how nearly identical are the descriptions of “ideal jobs” when compared to the one a member has most recently left. Since we are all financial folks, I guess it shouldn’t surprise me. As history based individuals, it is hard to...

Jan 16, 2024

By Matt Bud, The FENG

On being gracious in defeat

On being gracious in defeat Cover Image

I have written many times about the fact that when the answer is no, you don’t get much honest information.There are two approaches that are typically used. The first is what I call “The excuse you can’t cure.” If you only had a CPA, and you don’t, there isn’t much that you can say. The se...

Oct 19, 2022

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Their lips are moving, but there is no information

Their lips are moving, but there is no information Cover Image

There was an article in The Wall Street Journal in 2013 titled: “Didn’t Get the Job? You’ll Never Know Why” by Lauren Weber. The direct link is: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887324423904578523683173841190.html and it is still available!I hope that all of you will take the tim...

Jun 09, 2022

By Matt Bud, The FENG

You’ve been looking how long?

You’ve been looking how long? Cover Image

During the interviewing process we frequently get asked questions for which there is no good answer. I have my favorites of course, but having been out of work myself for almost 2 years back in 1991, the one I will address tonight is “Why have you been out of work so long?” (What a silly q...

Mar 23, 2022

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Are you selling the right stuff?

Are you selling the right stuff? Cover Image

I don’t know how many of you are aware of it, but The FENG began its life as an organization of VERY senior financial professionals. In the beginning our original core group was over 50 and a few of those folks were even older. The idea was that senior financial professionals needed more h...

May 04, 2022

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Talking on the phone

Talking on the phone Cover Image

Most of us in the financial community find talking on the telephone to be one of the more challenging things we do.I believe the primary reason is that most of our work is accomplished in written form. When we do present our work to the boss or to our peers, it is usually done face to face...

Dec 03, 2021

By Matt Bud, The FENG

They’re a pack of liars

They’re a pack of liars Cover Image

There are an awful lot of people in this world who lie from time to time, some more frequently than others. And, not all of them are politicians.Others may have a different definition, but having an accounting background, I believe that anything that is said that isn’t the WHOLE truth is s...

Nov 08, 2022

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Why you left your last job

Why you left your last job Cover Image

When they stopped paying me, that was bad enough. But, when they had the security guard escort me from the building and dumped my few personal belongings on the sidewalk, I decided enough was enough. I just wasn’t going back to work at THAT place anymore.If you have a sense of humor and th...

Feb 01, 2022

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Money is important

Money is important Cover Image

When it comes to deciding if someone is a fit for a particular position, industry experience and candidates current locations are often the first criteria that employers consider when weeding out applicants. After these first two issues appear to be satisfactory, the next point of focus is...

Nov 16, 2023

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Your many product benefits

Your many product benefits Cover Image

One of the biggest problems you face as a senior financial executive is that you have too many product benefits. In a very real sense, you are too good to be true.For those of you who have been hearing you are “over qualified,” let me suggest to you that you are. After over 20 years of wor...

Oct 03, 2021

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Selling from a full wagon

Selling from a full wagon Cover Image

One of the great mysteries of this world is why consultants are expected to be over qualified for any job, but when it comes to hiring on a full-time basis, companies don’t want anyone who is over qualified. Go figure.The frequent comment from clients for consulting work is “I hope I am no...

Apr 21, 2022

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Help, I’m trapped in a nut shell!

Help, I’m trapped in a nut shell! Cover Image

There is no greater challenge in this world than summing yourself up in 90 seconds or writing a proper summary for your resume.As many of you know, I was CFO of an advertising agency in the 1980’s. Initially, I used to wonder why the creative folks got paid so well. As I got more and more ...

May 23, 2023

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory

Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory Cover Image

So, you have actually done it. A company has put you through the wringer and forced you to interview with just about everyone at the firm. You have beaten the competition to a pulp. You are standing all alone in your victory.Now comes the moment of truth. They ask you for references. Like ...

Jun 14, 2023

By Matt Bud, The FENG

The truth, as retold by ….

The truth, as retold by …. Cover Image

I am always impressed by the eternal truthfulness of the many members of this august body. Unfortunately, it is one of the many things about us as financial folks that gets in the way of our finding a new job.As many of you know, I spent 9 years as Chief Financial Officer of an advertising...

Jun 26, 2023

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Am I qualified?

Am I qualified? Cover Image

One of my friends used to call me “the can do” guy. (Now he calls me “Mr. Chairman.”) I know he meant it in the nicest possible way, and I suppose that in many respects I am the can do guy. There really isn’t much that I won’t tackle. Perhaps it comes from my Midwest self-reliance or the f...

Jul 06, 2023

By Matt Bud, The FENG

What do companies want?

What do companies want? Cover Image

I have written on many occasions about how to structure your resume. I have also written about bringing your resume through stages of development. Like any selling document it is essential that you keep it growing and fresh.Going through the birth pangs of building your resume can often fe...

Jun 28, 2023

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Rejected out of hand

Rejected out of hand Cover Image

If there is one thing that is certain about us financial types it is that we always know the answer.Ask us a question and it isn’t long before we are well into the “primarily due to’s and partially offset by’s.” Yet, this major strength of ours and important skill set is an impediment to s...

Aug 13, 2023

By Matt Bud, The FENG