A rhinoceros and a piece of paper

A rhinoceros and a piece of paper Cover Image

Many years ago, my son and I were rowing out to our mooring to go sailing with my father-in-law. My son, who was probably 8 or 9 at the time, asked my father-in-law if he knew the EXACT difference between a rhinoceros and a piece of paper. After several totally wrong guesses, my son gave h...

Aug 01, 2021

By Matt Bud, The FENG

The art of friendship

The art of friendship Cover Image

Perhaps because we fill in so many forms during the course of our careers, it seems that as financial types we are always looking for a fill in the blank approach to just about everything.Is there a formula for 90-second announcements, I am frequently asked? Well, there are some basic guid...

Jul 28, 2021

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Meeting the RIGHT folks

Meeting the RIGHT folks Cover Image

Being successful at getting meetings with potential decision makers who don’t have a job right now, but who might make one for you after they meet you, is why networking is the most successful approach to finding a job. Frankly, this is how most business is really done at our level.If you ...

Jul 15, 2024

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Lost at sea

Lost at sea Cover Image

It has only been since about the time of the American Revolution that sailors have had the technology available to find their exact location on the face of the earth. Although determining your latitude was possible (those are the lines that run around the middle of the earth like the equat...

Jul 02, 2024

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Just showing up

Just showing up Cover Image

There are several folks who claim credit for it, but one of the things I have been heard to say from time to time that I didn’t make up is that “90% of life is just showing up.” (Okay, perhaps it is only 89%. Whatever!)As we begin the months of the so-called summer doldrums, I would ask al...

Jun 19, 2024

By Matt Bud, The FENG

A fine line

A fine line Cover Image

The difference between being viewed as possessing dogged persistence and being an outright pest is hard to define. Like beauty or obscenity, I guess we know it when we see it.I have had many jobs over the course of my career, some paid, some volunteer that have involved collection work.Whe...

May 21, 2024

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Networking is easy

Networking is easy Cover Image

Perhaps this is a bit of an overstatement, but I am primarily talking about networking within The FENG.As you all know, we have a Member Directory Search feature out on our website for your information and use. If you become aware of a job at a specific company, the odds of someone in The ...

May 16, 2024

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Networking-A lifetime activity

Networking-A lifetime activity Cover Image

I was fortunate to speak with two of our more experienced chapter chairs a while ago who each in their own way in our wide ranging conversations reminded me of the importance of networking as a lifetime activity.I suppose to a degree, networking doesn’t come naturally to us financial types...

May 15, 2024

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Making introductions

Making introductions Cover Image

Everyone knows a few important people who they believe will at some point be helpful to us in our search for that perfect job. The problem how to keep your name in front of them so when that perfect job comes to their attention you will be top of mind.You certainly don’t want to waste thei...

May 06, 2024

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Keeping hope alive

Keeping hope alive Cover Image

Whether you are currently working and hate your job or are currently in active search mode, the most important job you have every day is maintaining an optimistic view of the future.The stresses and strains of a job that is winding down may at times seem beyond bearable. Back in 1991 durin...

Apr 29, 2024

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Bashfulness is not my strong suit

Bashfulness is not my strong suit Cover Image

Hard to believe, but bashfulness is apparently a quite prevalent condition among our membership.Yes, these same individuals who in prior lives as bankers were cutting off lines of credit or foreclosing on hapless widows have a near terminal fear of picking up the phone and calling other me...

Apr 25, 2024

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Everyone wants to help

Everyone wants to help Cover Image

I know that some of you who have been at job search for a period of time may find this hard to believe, but everyone wants to help, it is just that they don’t always know how.I see it all the time at chapter meetings. Each person does their 90-second elevator speech, but rarely do they mak...

Apr 23, 2024

By Matt Bud, The FENG

The original conversation killer

The original conversation killer Cover Image

My wife is a speech pathologist by education and early work experience. One of the things that drives her crazy is one-word answers. Her approach in teaching speech has always been to ask questions that create a conversation. The only way to get the kids she was working with to improve the...

Apr 09, 2024

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Watching your back

Watching your back Cover Image

It would be great if we could all see behind us while at the same time looking forward, but it just isn’t possible. And, sometimes just looking forward is hard enough.We have all heard about the “buddy system” that swimmers use. And, of course, having someone “watch your back” is a concept...

Mar 31, 2024

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Two peas in a pod

Two peas in a pod Cover Image

One of the great mysteries in this world is why any two people would network. Yes, I know this sounds like heresy coming from someone who has built his entire life on networking, but it is actually a very good question, and one that members who have not been exposed to “the truth” often as...

Mar 27, 2024

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Time is of the essence

Time is of the essence Cover Image

For those of you who have had the honor of dealing with legal matters, you know that the phrase “Time is of the essence” is frequently used in contracts. The idea is that if you want to get the deal done, you better move quickly. (In other words, you will need to get off your duff.)The wor...

Mar 26, 2024

By Matt Bud, The FENG

90% of life is just showing up

90% of life is just showing up Cover Image

While I am sure the correct answer is “about” 90% (90% is a little too precise), there is no denying the fact that showing up is important.If you have an interview and you don’t show up, you can’t possibly get the job. If you expect to get paid, you have to show up for work. And, the list ...

Mar 21, 2024

By Matt Bud, The FENG

An inner circle of friends

An inner circle of friends Cover Image

If there is any topic I discuss more than any other in phone conversations and in face to face meetings with new members and old members alike, it is the process of creating your very own inner circle of friends.All you have to do is talk to friends of yours who have found jobs to see how ...

Mar 17, 2024

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Managing our growth

Managing our growth Cover Image

By a significant margin, we are the largest networking group of senior financial executives in the entire world. Not only that, but by any measure, we are more connected with each other on a national basis than any other organization as well. And, our reputation is well known. We no longer...

Mar 13, 2024

By Matt Bud, The FENG

The 400 pound phone

The 400 pound phone Cover Image

Just as an experiment, I unplugged my phone from my desk today and took it upstairs and put it on our bathroom scale. (My office is in my house.)I am sure the scale is wrong because I couldn’t get the scale to even register the weight of the phone. But then, the scale is generally used to ...

Mar 07, 2024

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Asking for the world's smallest favor

Asking for the world's smallest favor Cover Image

Although most of us have acquired enough manners over the course of our lives that we know enough not to ask a stranger to give us his/her seat on a bus or train, when it comes to networking, I find that many folks don’t know when they have overstepped their bounds. The approach I would...

Feb 28, 2024

By Matt Bud, The FENG