The benefit of the doubt

The benefit of the doubt Cover Image

The FENG is a networking organization. I hope none of you are fooled by the volume of job leads we publish. The actual purpose of our little circle of friends is to be helpful to one another as often as possible in this struggle we all face to earn a living.In my role as Chairman, I am alw...

Sep 20, 2021

By Matt Bud, The FENG

I know this will come as a surprise

I know this will come as a surprise Cover Image

From time to time I give a presentation to the Westport Chapter about how to use our website, and in particular how to use our not so new Member Directory Search feature. Based on the great interest of those attending, apparently there are quite a few members who haven’t taken the time to ...

Oct 30, 2018

By Matt Bud, The FENG

The beginning of time itself

The beginning of time itself Cover Image

I know you will all find this hard to believe, but there was a time when The FENG only had 20 members.In May of 1995, I was invited by Ed Devlin, the then Chairman, to join what was at that time The Fairfield County Financial Executives Networking Group. (Ed had recently taken over from Do...

Nov 11, 2021

By Matt Bud, The FENG

From Black Friday to New Year’s Eve

From Black Friday to New Year’s Eve Cover Image

I know many of you will find it hard to believe, but we are now in a golden period for networking, networking and MORE networking. So, I hope you will please have at it.A lot of people believe that holiday times and especially the period from Thanksgiving to New Year’s Eve are the worst ti...

Nov 21, 2021

By Matt Bud, The FENG

The Hotel California

The Hotel California Cover Image

As you may remember from the song of this same name, you can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave. I know they thought of it first and popularized it, but it is very much like your membership in The FENG. The only difference is you can check out, but I hope you won’t.If you ...

Nov 18, 2021

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Putting your own mask on first

Putting your own mask on first Cover Image

For those of you who have had the pleasure of earning frequent flier miles, I can understand that you may no longer be paying strict attention to the very helpful discussion that precedes take off. Personally, I don’t think that anyone who doesn’t know how to work the seat belt should real...

Oct 18, 2018

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Networking is a contact sport

Networking is a contact sport Cover Image

The FENG, as our name implies, is a networking group. I know some of you may be fooled from time to time by the fact that we publish job leads, but please don’t be confused.The sharing of job leads is an act of friendship, plain and simple. As much as we make every attempt to make the job ...

Mar 02, 2022

By Matt Bud, The FENG

How to be a Fanatic FENG’er

How to be a Fanatic FENG’er Cover Image

As I mention from time to time, The FENG is a NETWORKING group. It isn’t a job board.Just as Kermit the Frog found out that it isn’t easy being green, no one ever said it was going to be easy being a member of The FENG.Membership in our little society comes with a price. Sure, your cash co...

Mar 06, 2022

By Matt Bud, The FENG

From desperation to real networking

From desperation to real networking Cover Image

Networking is a process by which you can create meaningful business contacts and relationships to further your career and enhance your professional life.It is unfortunate that many of us only become aware of the importance of networking when we first become unemployed. And then, many of us...

Apr 05, 2022

By Matt Bud, The FENG

The world is a finite place

The world is a finite place Cover Image

When you are out in the middle of the ocean, it is easy to think of the world as being endless. Every direction you look there is only water. (And yes, water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink.)However, the truth is that although over 70% of the earth’s surface is salt water, 30% o...

Apr 26, 2022

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Allowing others to wear us down

Allowing others to wear us down Cover Image

I had lunch a long time ago with one of our members. I always enjoy meeting and talking to the members of our august body because I am reminded of issues that I have discussed before that bear repeating. And, when I discuss them again, it is usually with a different twist because I continu...

Jul 25, 2022

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Working those business contacts

Working those business contacts Cover Image

One of the biggest half-truths in this world is the idea of saving your business contacts. The truth is that unless you “work” your business contacts they don’t know you exist.Sure, you don’t want to “bother” them, but unless you call once in a while with something they actually can do for...

Aug 23, 2022

By Matt Bud, The FENG

The networking process

The networking process Cover Image

In the days of wooden ships and iron men, the determination of longitude was thought to be an impossibility. The simple solution was creating a clock that was accurate enough to keep track of what time it was in Greenwich, England. If you knew what time it was at a fixed point and you knew...

Sep 27, 2022

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Approaching networking contacts

Approaching networking contacts Cover Image

Since The FENG has been built by friends introducing friends, I imagine that as an organization we are probably more sensitive to networking abuses than most people. Still, I thought it might be helpful if I took a little time tonight and suggested a few ways to go about this delicate proc...

Sep 13, 2022

By Matt Bud, The FENG

The holiday networking season

The holiday networking season Cover Image

I try to take a few minutes of your time every year at this holiday season to remind you what a gold mine this time of year is to your networking efforts.Whether you are working or not working. Whether you are looking for a job or very happy where you are, this is the time of year when you...

Nov 27, 2022

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Hi, it’s me the pest!

Hi, it’s me the pest! Cover Image

The amount of follow up to do with recruiters and networking contacts is always a tough call.It is hard not to feel like a pest when you call. (After all, you ARE being a pest.)However, if you aren’t persistent and keep in touch with those who might be in a position to help you on the day ...

Dec 07, 2022

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Performing the behaviors

Performing the behaviors Cover Image

I’m not sure why it is, but most financial folks think they are terrible networkers.The truth is that scattered throughout our newsletter every night are ideas you can harness in your daily life to earn the title “Master Networker.”All of us are amateurs, I suppose, at most things we do in...

Dec 20, 2022

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Help me out – buy a ticket

Help me out – buy a ticket Cover Image

I try to have several phone calls every week with members seeking advice about what to do about their job search.It is a good question and one not easily answered even if I know you very well. In the course of a conversation (speech is the slowest form of communication), I don’t know how m...

May 16, 2022

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Those lazy hazy days of summer

Those lazy hazy days of summer Cover Image

As a season, summer is sure hard to beat.The days are warmer here in the Northeast. The days are also longer. No more getting up when it is pitch black and coming home when it is pitch black. (Winter is so depressing!) And, outdoor activities like sailing, tennis, and golf sure can’t be be...

Jun 16, 2022

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Abraham Lincoln and Bill Gates

Abraham Lincoln and Bill Gates Cover Image

In my distant past I remember seeing a commercial in which an Abraham Lincoln look alike was sitting in an employment agency office. As the recruiter was flipping through his Rolodex he was telling old Abe that without “that sheepskin” he really wasn’t going anywhere. I guess the same thin...

Aug 16, 2022

By Matt Bud, The FENG

The pot of gold

The pot of gold Cover Image

I often get the feeling from talking with members about their job search, that many of you are reluctant to use our Member Directory Search feature to full advantage as part of your job search. I only wish I understood why.The FENG membership directory is honestly the pot of gold at the en...

Mar 24, 2022

By Matt Bud, The FENG