Networking, networking and more networking

Networking, networking and more networking Cover Image

As I mentioned in my fundraising note this past Thursday, there was an article in The Wall Street Journal entitled: The Secret to A Successful Job Search. (Exchange Section, Saturday/Sunday, June 1-2, 2024) Allow me to provide you with a few highlights.No great surprise to hear that employ...

Jun 09, 2024

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Paint on a smile

Paint on a smile Cover Image

During the upcoming New Years Day holiday weekend, a great opportunity will be presenting itself to you in the form of gatherings of those who know you (and presumably love you).In order to enjoy the greatest benefit, you need to paint on a smile. I don’t care if you have been out of work ...

Dec 27, 2023

By Matt Bud, The FENG

The fall networking season begins!

The fall networking season begins! Cover Image

One of the trends I have noticed in the past few years is that the people you would like to contact disappear earlier and stay away longer around holidays.I sent out a mailing this morning to our many friends in the search community and was floored by how many “out of office” notes I got i...

Sep 06, 2023

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Every gathering is a networking event

Every gathering is a networking event Cover Image

I hope that all of you have plans for the Labor Day weekend. Please know that every gathering is a networking event.Although I don’t recommend bringing resumes to the various barbeques you may be attending, do bring business cards and that winning smile of yours.People know people. And, if...

Aug 30, 2023

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Asking the right question

Asking the right question Cover Image

Networking appears to be filled with a lot of mystery, but it is actually a very obvious process.What most people do when they reach a networking contact is ask them if they know about any open jobs that would fit their background. This is one of the world's worst questions. Consider for a...

Jul 25, 2023

By Matt Bud, The FENG

The FENG’s many power tools

The FENG’s many power tools Cover Image

The FENG is here to serve you. As noted below, our Job Search Clubs are off to a strong start.I thought I would use tonight’s editorial slot to remind you about our “Stop by My Office” offering. I don’t recall exactly when I started it, but it was quite some time ago and it doesn’t appear ...

Jul 18, 2023

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Can you hear me now?

Can you hear me now? Cover Image

I still remember with fondness the cell phone commercial where the technician is in the middle of a swamp somewhere and he is testing his cell coverage. I don’t know where he might be, but he wasn’t here in Weston, Connecticut where we have limited cell coverage. (Thank goodness we can now...

Jun 21, 2023

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Paint on a smile

Paint on a smile Cover Image

During the upcoming Memorial Day holiday weekend, a great opportunity will be presenting itself to you in the form of gatherings of those who know you (and presumably love you).In order to enjoy the greatest benefit, you need to paint on a smile. I don’t care if you have been out of work 3...

May 25, 2023

By Matt Bud, The FENG

What was your name again?

What was your name again? Cover Image

We do live in a wonderful time. We have Google, LinkedIn, and every firm that is actually in business has a website.I am always a little disappointed when someone reaches out to me and I realize they haven’t actually looked me up. Just exactly how much time would it take? If you type Matt ...

May 15, 2023

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Keeping your network alive

Keeping your network alive Cover Image

A very long time ago, President John F. Kennedy was holding a news conference. After he concluded his prepared remarks, he opened himself up to questions from the assembled reporters. The first question was: What had he and his administration done to further the equality of women in this c...

Apr 18, 2023

By Matt Bud, The FENG

The best jobs aren’t posted-DUH!

The best jobs aren’t posted-DUH! Cover Image

There was an article in The Wall Street Journal today titled: “The Best Jobs Aren’t Posted, But You Can Still Find Them”As a member of The FENG, I hope it won’t take you more than a “New York Minute” to guess how you find them.There are 3 proven ways. Wait for it … : Networking, networking...

Nov 03, 2022

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Talking on the phone

Talking on the phone Cover Image

In speaking with members of The FENG over the years, it is clear that everyone would enjoy hearing a few words of wisdom on making phone calls. Of course, everyone knows how to push the buttons on the phone, but apparently not everyone is having as much fun doing it as they should.Over the...

Jul 06, 2022

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Building your inner circle of friends

Building your inner circle of friends Cover Image

If you are actually sitting at your computer with not much to do the next several days, may I suggest you try increasing your inner circle of friends?The most valuable feature on our website is Member Directory Search: you have to do is follow the ...

Dec 27, 2021

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Unsolicited advice

Unsolicited advice Cover Image

It is a well-known fact that men don’t like unsolicited advice. It is for this reason that we used to drive in circles from time to time, even though our spouse quietly suggested we stop at that gas station we kept passing and ask for directions. (GPS has at least solved that problem.) We ...

Dec 15, 2021

By Matt Bud, The FENG

When things get quiet

When things get quiet Cover Image

Every once in a while, things get quiet. There is no email (except for our newsletter), and there are no phone calls or Zoom meetings to attend.If you are actively looking for work, it can be a maddening experience.Instead of sitting with your hands folded on your desk, this is a good time...

Nov 22, 2021

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Putting your own mask on first

Putting your own mask on first Cover Image

For those of you who were flying road warriors before Covid-19, I can understand that you may no longer remember the very helpful discussion that preceded take off.Personally, I don’t think that anyone who doesn’t know how to work the seat belt should really be let out alone to wander the ...

Oct 20, 2021

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Two hours for lunch

Two hours for lunch Cover Image

One of the little jokes I used to tell back at the office was how hard it was to get anything done, what with an hour coffee break in the morning, two hours for lunch, another hour coffee break in the afternoon, combined with leaving early, there just isn’t much time to get things done.In ...

Sep 08, 2021

By Matt Bud, The FENG

The ultimate scam

The ultimate scam Cover Image

I was recently reminded of one of my favored approaches to networking that I discovered in the early 90’s.(Sometime in the late-90’s I stopped calling some of the things I was doing “scams” and started calling them “approaches,” which for some reason those in polite society found more acce...

Sep 07, 2021

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Please, no sad stories

Please, no sad stories Cover Image

As we all blast out of here for the long Labor Day weekend, let me give you a few suggestions to make your “time off’ most productive.I hope that all of you will be sharing some good times with family and old friends. (All my friends are old, but I digress.) If you are currently unemployed...

Sep 02, 2021

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Networking is easy

Networking is easy Cover Image

Have you ever had someone call you up to network and actually been able to help them in some way? I have to ask. How did it make you feel? My guess is that you felt pretty good inside.Perhaps you were only able to point out a typo on their resume, or perhaps you were only able to give them...

Aug 25, 2021

By Matt Bud, The FENG

Don’t call me late for lunch

Don’t call me late for lunch Cover Image

I don’t know if all of you have noticed, but our new member announcement has a field called “Greeting to use.” It is there because I think it is important in establishing networking connections to be able to call people by the name they find most “comfortable.”As I have often said, you can...

Aug 18, 2021

By Matt Bud, The FENG