One of the many things I hear members comment on from time to time when they are out and about networking within our group is: “I can’t believe how talented everyone is. How can I ever expect to get a job if some of these folks are out of work?”I am not sure why I am caught off guard by th...
Sep 11, 2024
By Matt Bud, The FENG
I have never quite understood why the emails I get are so sloppy.I fully realize and accept that most people don’t type 90 words a minute like I do. Still, even if you only hunt and peck, it is my honest advice to you that you make an effort to spell words correctly and to check your sente...
Sep 10, 2024
By Matt Bud, The FENG
One of the little jokes I used to tell back at the office was how hard it was to get anything done, what with an hour coffee break in the morning, two hours for lunch, another hour coffee break in the afternoon, combined with leaving early, there just isn’t much time to get things done.In ...
Sep 09, 2024
By Matt Bud, The FENG
I was recently reminded of one of my favored approaches to networking that I discovered in the early 90’s.(Sometime in the late-90’s I stopped calling some of the things I was doing “scams” and started calling them “approaches,” which for some reason those in polite society found more acce...
Sep 08, 2024
By Matt Bud, The FENG
I had an interesting comment from one of our members of long standing several years ago to the effect that no one was calling him. Of course, the ultimate revenge would be to give all of you his phone number and ask you to call our very own “lonesome George,” but that would be mean.While i...
Sep 05, 2024
By Matt Bud, The FENG
The newsletters the past few weeks have been a little thin, so I thought I would take this opportunity to remind all of you of our mutual commitment to share job leads, even those in which we are an active participants.Yes, I know it is counter-intuitive to share leads in which you are an ...
Sep 04, 2024
By Matt Bud, The FENG
I hope I will not sound like I am in a bad mood or anything, but I have to tell you that the bulk of the messages I get from members need a lot of work to make them appear as proper business correspondence.I wish I could believe this is only how you write when you are corresponding with yo...
Sep 03, 2024
By Matt Bud, The FENG
During the upcoming Labor Day holiday weekend, a great opportunity will be presenting itself to you in the form of gatherings of those who know you (and presumably love you).In order to enjoy the greatest benefit, you need to paint on a smile. I don’t care if you have been out of work 3 or...
Aug 29, 2024
By Matt Bud, The FENG
Ah, if only there were such a thing when it came to job search. Alas, there isn’t.From time to time I get emails asking about the various “blood suckers,” who claim to provide variations on outplacement. They profess to be able to do either mass mailings, mass emailings or the ability to t...
Aug 28, 2024
By Matt Bud, The FENG
One of our members wrote me once and asked me about how to keep a proper attitude when your job search stretches into what seems like an eternity. The reason he addressed this question to me is that he noted that I have mentioned on several occasions that beginning in March of 1991 I was u...
Aug 27, 2024
By Matt Bud, The FENG
Have you ever had someone call you up to network and actually been able to help them in some way? I have to ask. How did it make you feel? My guess is that you felt pretty good inside.Perhaps you were only able to point out a typo on their resume, or perhaps you were only able to give them...
Aug 26, 2024
By Matt Bud, The FENG
I don’t know if you will agree, but I’m almost convinced that email is going to stick around for a while as a business tool.This being the case, I would like to make the bold suggestion to all of you who write emails (and hopefully that is everyone in The FENG) that you “get with the progr...
Aug 25, 2024
By Matt Bud, The FENG
As you know, every two weeks I publish a list of our new members and I ask each member of our august body to call at least one person from the list. I sometimes spend close to a full day out of my personal schedule to review new member candidates. I only ask that each of you call one perso...
Aug 21, 2024
By Matt Bud, The FENG
There is nothing worse in the world of job search than to have an obvious issue in your background that is difficult to explain.I have often suggested to members that on some topics we discuss there is no right answer. When there is no good answer to something in your background, what do y...
Aug 20, 2024
By Matt Bud, The FENG
I don’t know if all of you have noticed, but our new member announcement has a field called “Greeting to use.” It is there because I think it is important in establishing networking connections to be able to call people by the name they find most “comfortable.”As I have often said, you can...
Aug 19, 2024
By Matt Bud, The FENG
I don’t know if any of you feel as I do, but when I have a cold or the flu, it is at once annoying and thoughtful that those who care about us are constantly checking up on us.Thank goodness I’m not sick very often, but when I am I prefer to be left alone during “the cure.” Human beings va...
Aug 18, 2024
By Matt Bud, The FENG
For those of you with allergies, you know only too well that once you have a reaction to something, for some period of time even small amounts of that substance will set you off.As I understand it, what happens is that an allergic reaction triggers elevated histamine levels in your body. I...
Aug 15, 2024
By Matt Bud, The FENG
Most of us CFO/Controller types find talking on the telephone one of the more difficult things we do. I believe one of the reasons is that most of our work is accomplished in written form. When we do present our work to the boss or to our peers, it is usually done face to face and to a ver...
Aug 14, 2024
By Matt Bud, The FENG
Although the job market appears to be okay at the moment, it is still a sad fact of life these days that many of our members face the prospect of a salary lower than they previously enjoyed.From our perspective as financial folks we struggle with the burden of our hard won escalations in s...
Aug 13, 2024
By Matt Bud, The FENG
I’m not sure why people go their own way, but the standard resume framework is very much the “gold” standard. If you accept the idea that most resumes only get 10 seconds, I think you can begin to appreciate why straying from the traditional structure can get you into trouble.Of course, yo...
Aug 12, 2024
By Matt Bud, The FENG
There is nothing worse in this world than to finally get an interview and to blow the opportunity because someone asked you a question you weren’t prepared to answer.I don’t know why some very obvious questions can take a seasoned financial professional by surprise, but they do. Perhaps we...
Aug 11, 2024
By Matt Bud, The FENG